Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mobile Communication Offers Additional Student Support

In November of 2009, Pottsgrove High School located in Pottstown, PA, experienced the tragic deaths of two students in an automobile accident. The social and emotional impact of these sudden deaths, and the subsequent conversations with students, led the administration to seek novel ways to offer support to students and their friends who are experiencing barriers to learning, such as drug, alcohol or mental health issues.

The High School principal had seen a video showcasing a preventative tool employed by stadiums, which encouraged fans to text in to a central command for assistance with crowd control or unruly behavior. In light of recent events, he began to think of its application in education and in specifically addressing the needs of our school. The company (http://www.guestassist.net/) delivers mobile phone-based communications that allow an enterprise, such as a school, to interact with their students.

While cell phones use in class is against their school policy, a “technology zone” was established in the cafeteria where students are permitted to use their phones during lunch. With the implementation of this system, a cutting-edge technology commonly utilized on college campuses, students have communicated via text to the operators (school administration and a few select teachers) about bullying, various concerns about their friends, and knowledge of drug use. Signs and video news bulletins have been circulating through this particular high school with the following message:

CONCERNED? Text “Falcons” and your concern to 78247

Students are encouraged to text message concerns relating to bullying, possible drug and alcohol abuse, self-injury, and other topics that may hinder student learning. All text messages are filtered into a website that is consistently monitored by trained teachers and administrators. Students receive a message in return thanking them for their concern, asking for more specific details, or in cases deemed urgent, asked to report to an administrator or counselor for support. Incoming information is then passed on to school personnel who can best provide assistance to the student.

In the first month of operation, the Falcon Assist has provided supports to at least a dozen students. It’s great to see that students care and have concern for their peers!

The school is now asking for our parents to help provide support to their students by utilizing the text messaging service. “If you feel your son/daughter or their friends are in need of assistance, then please text “Falcons” and your concern to 78247.”

The system is simple yet powerful, as it allows for anonymous communication, has a web-based control system for easy access and the ability to tag conversations for future reports based on type of concern or issue.

I'm looking forward to my interview this Thursday with Chris Schaffer, the principal of Pottsgrove High School, who is the genius behind the system's implementation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sextortion: An Online Predator's New Favorite Form of Extortion

Sextortion; a new term and a growing concern to watch out for.

Sextortion occurs when a person uses guilt, power, or knowledge of a certain secret, to force another person into providing sexually explicit photos, having sex or performing sexual favors.

Sextortion is one of the “crimes of choice” that Internet predators use to gain access into their targets personal life. Predators generally target teens or young adults on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.

Predators who practice sextortion pressure their victims to give them sexually explicit photos and/or favors in exchange for their secrecy of previously obtained private information or for a promise to hold off on future violent acts.

Take the Sextortion case that happened in the Milwaukee area with Anthony Stancl, an 18-year-old former New Berlin high school student who is serving 15 years in prison for sextortion. Anthony, an honor student, got more than 30 boys to send him naked photos of themselves …by posing as a female on Facebook. He then blackmailed several boys into sexual acts by threatening to share those pornographic images if they said “no.”

Throughout 2010, there have been ongoing acts of sextortion occurring at universities across the country. A predator preys on sorority pledges by first studying their Facebook profile and then approaches them using Facebook, pretending to be a sorority sister or an alum from their college. The first communications seem harmless to unsuspecting freshman, yet are obvious attempts to gain trust. Subsequent Facebook chats and e-mails get creepy, with requests for naked pictures, followed by threats to reveal secrets and commit violent acts. The dozen or so victims to date attend southwest schools: University of Florida, Florida State University, Auburn University, University of Alabama and Louisiana State University. So far, several college students have actually provided their assailant with naked photos.

  • Out of the people who report sharing nude photos of themselves, almost a third of them have shared the photos with people they only know online ... or with people they've never met face-to-face.
What’s important about sextortion is that parents teach their children not to trust anyone they don’t know online, to keep their profile private, even when after they turn 18-years-old, and to make sure they report any online contact they’ve received from online strangers who are asking for private and/or creepy information.

Teens and young adults need to understand that when they take these types of photographs... or if they turn on their web camera for strangers, the person on the receiving end can easily record, and spread the information anywhere they choose, or else.

For more information about how to parent around today's technology, visit:  http://www.shawnedgington.com/.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

911 Text Alerts Kept University of Texas Students Safe

A 19 year old sophomore at the University of Texas opened fire Tuesday while running through the Austin campus using an AK-47, then eventually killed himself.  
No one else was shot, and most of the credit for a low body count is going to the university's crisis-management plan.

As part of this plan, the schools text messaging system reached out to more than 43,000 people, warning students, faculty and staff to stay away from the area the gunman was holed up.  The text also advised students to remain indoors.  
Here's a few important questions to ask:

  • Does your child's elementary, middle, high school or university have an emergency text messaging system in place?  Services such as Mobile Campus provides real-time emergency alerts for schools across the country.
  • Are you and your family members listed on the text recipient list?
  • If your child's school has yet to implement an emergency text messaging system, when is planned to be implemented?
An emergency text messaging system is one instance on how text technology can save lives.  It's also clear that every school should have a system in place exactly like the University of Texas has implemented.

Since almost everyone carries their cell phones, sending emergency messages by text is the perfect solution for emergency and life threatening situations.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Facebook: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Facebook has become the “must-have” social networking account most pre-teens yearn for, teenagers live by, and many adults love.
When you hear “Mom, can I have a Facebook account?” you shouldn’t be shocked. Some parents struggle with the answer, especially when it comes to their 13- or 14-year old child who can’t wait to set up their profile, friend their friends, post their favorite pictures, and update their status.

Only a parent knows their child well enough to decide if their teen is ready and mature enough to handle the responsibility that goes along with having a Facebook account. Remember, Facebook is a mode of communication that has the capability to reach the entire world. If you decide to say “yes”, here are eight rules you should consider implementing before granting access:

• No foul language

• No inappropriate photos

• Only accept friend requests from people they know

• Teach your kids how to use the “Block” feature to stop abusive behavior

• Communicate and educate your teens about Internet Safety

• Monitor their pages, and let them know you’re doing so

• Review their privacy settings with them ('Private' is highly recommended)

• Make it clear you’ll need 24/7 access to their account (obtain user/password information)

Keep in mind that only confirmed friends can post to your teen's Wall or contact your teen via Facebook, so if you’re worried that someone will make inappropriate posts or send offensive messages, you only have to worry about those type of messages coming from friends that your child confirmed.

I refer to them as frenemies. 


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sexting Scandal Hits High School - "Hummer Mom" Caught

I was totally horrified to hear about the Hummer driving, 42-year-old married mom who faces 67 counts of sexual assault for having sex with two 15-year-old boys! 

How could it get any worse than that?  Christine Hubbs' charges include having sex with two different boys; which has been reported that the encounters started when they were only 13 years old.

How did "Hummer mom" get caught?

Hubbs allegedly sent text messages and nude pictures of herself to the boys from her cell phone... also known as "Sexting".  She was arrested after one of the victim's parents found a nude text of Hubbs on his cell phone. 

Thank God this parent was paying attention!

After police seized Hubb's personal computer and phones, they were able to reveal the ongoing relationship with the two teens.

Sexting 101

"Not my child!" is what most parents think when the topic of sexting is brought up in conversation.  According to The National Campaign, 33% of teenagers have admitted to sexting.  The number increases to 36% when it comes to young adult women.  I know what you're thinking... age 42 is not a "young adult woman!"

What can you do to prevent sexting? 
  • Eliminate the MMS feature from your teens' cell phone plan.  MMS = pictures/videos that can be sent/received by cell phone.
  • Keep the lines of communication open between you and your teen
  • Understand there are predators everywhere, and your children need to be protected from them
  • Take an occasional look at stored photos on your child's cell phone
  • Read Between the Lines, keep your eyes open for any strange behavior surrounding their cell phone usage
Unfortunately, sexting is a reality and it's becoming more common than we'd like to believe. 

To be pro-active around the subject of sexting, it's best to sit down with your kids to set texting boundaries.  Be sure to explain the potentially serious consequence to ANY kind of sex texting, including what to do if and when they ever receive any naked or obscene photo. 

You should also include "what not to do" in your sexting discussion... which is to NEVER forward these types of texts out to their friends. 


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Men vs. Women in the Workplace

I'm in the process of getting some seriously juicy information from personal interviews and by surveying how women and men work together - and boy am I learning more every day!

You would think by the time we get to our 40's and have been working with boys since the age of 15, we would know all there is to know. 

Guess what?  I was wrong!

If you have a few minutes, I would appreciate getting your feedback about your personal experiences from working with the opposite sex by taking this survey for my upcoming book - "It's NOT Complicated:  What Men Want in the Workplace" and how to use it to get ahead.

Click here:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MSFMWFD

I know, it sounds devious - but we're just trying to help women get a leg up in the workplace.  And you men out there... Don't worry!  You're feedback will help women learn how to improve their performance, which means it's a win/win for everyone.

If your story is extra fabulous - it just might get published!

Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mehserle Trial Causes Oakland Riots - Tonight's Event Cancelled

Hi All,

Thanks to Kathy Babcock who works in downtown Oakland and called to provide breaking news and excellent advice; "I HIGHLY recommend you stay out of Oakland due to the Judges recent ruling on the Mehserle trial".  

She also said the streets are dangerous and many of the buildings have closed and sent their staff home for the day.

Due to the location of The Ellington, and that the ongoing riots are only blocks away from the building, we've rescheduled tonight's event - date TBD.

Celebrate Summer At The Ellington!

Take a break from your same old routine, and join me Wednesday night in downtown Jack London Square for a glass of champagne (or two) and some wonderful appetizers!

The gracious owners of The Ellington, (the newest and most prestigious high-end condo project in downtown) are hosting me and my book; "Read Between the Lines" to help get the word out about their beautiful project.  If you get a chance, stop by and come say hi!

Where:  The Ellington - 222 Broadway, Oakland - Free Parking is Available

When:  Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Time:  5:00 to 7:00 (Stop by for 15 minutes or 2 hours - whatever works for you)

I'm looking forward to checking out the roof-top pool, meeting new friends and seeing my old (but young) friends, while enjoying the beautiful views of San Francisco and Jack London Square.

Hope you can make it!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Attention Californians: Claim Your Lost Cash!

If you live in California (I'm sure it's the same in every other state) you should periodically check out your home state's website to see if you have any long lost cash you need to claim.

I make a point to check annually, and I always find some missing money that I never knew was missing.  It's like Christmas!

Last year I hit pay dirt.  I found $5,200.00 and was ecstatic.  In 2004, I found a check for $9000!  I checked today, and found $937.00, a refund that was apparently sent by Hewlett-Packard, but I never received it. 

I also checked my husbands name (found him a $50 rebate), my moms (found her $354.00) and my kids (they had $0), but my point is, you never know. 

It's simple!  In about two minutes, you could be rich.  Here's what you do:
  1. If you live in California, go to http://www.ca.gov/
  2. In the search box, put "Unclaimed Property" and hit search
  3. Then click on the 3rd bullet down "UCP Inquiry System"
  4. Insert first name, last name and last known city the person lived in.
  5. Click search
That's all there is to it.  Go ahead, do your search, and be sure to let me know if your wallet is a little heavier.  :)

Happy Treasure Hunting!!!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tips and Tricks for Appearing on View From the Bay

Just in case you've been invited to appear on The View From the Bay, I thought I would provide you some "Need to know" tips and tricks on what to do (and what not to do) during your next appearance on View From the Bay.

I'm far from an expert, but I wish someone would have told me what I'm telling you.  All of these tips are either things I screwed up on, was told the day of, or they're things I noticed while I was on the set.

  1. VFTB is filmed in High Definition, so be prepared for every single detail from your waist up to show.  UGGGGG, it sucks getting old!!!!!
  2. There's a fabulous makeup artist available on most days, so by all means, let her work her magic on you.  She mentioned "they go for the natural and casual look" so leave your false extra long eye-lashes and bright red "Gwen" lipstick at home.
  3. Spencer and Janelle are totally and perfectly wonderful, and make it really easy to have a conversation with them.  Wear an extra layer of protection, don't drink too much caffeine, and you'll be good.
  4. Don't eat the snacks in the green room.  Why risk all that stuff getting stuck in your teeth under HD scrutiny?
  5. If your interview occurs while sitting in the tall red stool, remember this.  It's tall and red, so dress accordingly. 
  6. I don't know why I spent so much time worrying about the shoes I was going to wear.  I'm pretty sure if I had my Asics on, you wouldn't have noticed. (You start your interview seated in the tall red stool, not walking out as if you're on Oprah).
  7. You'll be wearing a mic that gets clipped on in the front of your shirt, and you'll have a big box (the wireless device) in your back.  Hence, you'll have to sit up straight in your stool, no matter how much it hurts.  I got a "miss" on this point.  
  8. Ditch the too short skirts.
  9. Your top should have sleeves.  I missed on this point too.  
  10. The hosts are the stars, and Jess the producer of the show is the rock-star.  He's responsible for making sure everything goes smoothly with your segment.  He's involved and responsible for all the fine details, including the questions the hosts plan to ask you.  Take good care of Jess.
  11. When you're being interviewed, you'll just look at the Spencer and Janelle, not at the camera's.  
  12. There's a small studio audience.  I was lucky enough to have 35 first graders as part of my audience.  My topic...Textual Harassment.  YIKES!  I guess it could have been worse - I could have been discussing the sexiest body part to get your tattoo on or where baby's come from!
  13. It's best to wear jewel tones or black, but remember not to pick a color that clashes with the tall red stool!
  14. Don't wear white... but I don't have to tell you that.
  15. Take the time and spend the money to have your hair done by your favorite stylist.  You won't regret it.  I didn't do this, and boy am I sorry!
  16. Back to the stool.  (Yes, I had issues with the stool)  I made the mistake of resting my arms on both arm rests.  Just rest on one side, preferably on the side next to your closest host.
  17. Did I mention the stool was red?
  18. Be prepared and watch several segments just before your segment is scheduled to air.  This way you know what's going on that week.  I record and watch this show regularly, so I felt good about this part.
Let my learning curve be to your benefit.  Good luck, you'll be fabulous!