Friday, April 30, 2010

Make Your Car A No Phone Zone

Today's the first annual "No Phone Zone", and it's time for you to take the pledge.

If you need a reason why, here's the only one you need:

  1. You could kill innocent people

Go to and take the pledge.

Take a moment, and take the pledge - you won't regret it!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Top 10 Forbidden Text Zones Revealed

We all know how great texting can be most of the time, but what about the times and places texting isn't so great?

Research on this subject was a bit sketchy, but here's the top 10 forbidden text zones I was able to locate:

10.  After you've been pulled over by your neighborhood cop - because you're just going to piss him off
9.    While your pole dancing - because a cell phone just isn't very sexy
8.    During prayer - because your pastor might get jealous (It happened)
7.    At your local "Swingers" get together - well... the "because" is too disgusting to mention so RBTL
6.    While you're catching a wave in San Diego - because water and cell phones don't mix
5.    During your HR meeting while you're getting your ass chewed for cell phone abuse - because you        need the money
4.    When you're visiting the Porcelain God - because it's just too disgusting to do both at the same time
3.    While you're at the batting cages with balls flying at 90 mpg - because you can't afford more plastic surgery! 
2.    When riding a mechanical bull - because cowboys can't multi task, so neither should you
1.    While you're getting busy in the bedroom - you do the math

That's the newest unofficial lineup of forbidden text zones... but I need your input to make it official!  Please, list your personal place or space where you've banned all text messages.

Common, it's your turn to share.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Get Instant Fashion Advice

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you've needed last-minute fashion advice?

I have to say; I was in need of some serious fashion do's (and don'ts) last Saturday when I was being interviewed live on KRON 4 Weekend News by Henry Tenenbaum.

I'm sitting in the hot seat, hoping my jacket is buttoned correctly, that my legs were crossed in the right direction, that my blouse wasn't showing too much cleavage, amongst the 99 other worries running through my head.  It was right then when I was saved by the "ding".

Lucky for me, my BFF Wendy had seen the 15 second promo of Henry and I pretending to text each other two minutes before we were going live with the interview.  This is exactly when she made the mad dash to find her cell phone.  It was a fashion emergency!

Just in the nick of time, she sent me a text that said "Love the jacket - center your necklace and pull up your cammy!" And then I got a "Go get em, you look great".  I responded back with an "OMG" and then a "Thx, YTB". Adding to the benefit of badly needed advice I would have never gotten from the men standing in the room, the entire text exchange made me laugh which really calmed my nerves.

Thanks to the power of a few texts and a great friend that's concerned with the potential of her gal pal looking like a complete idiot, I was able to get some desperately needed fashion advice, and just in time!

My point is that you too can get fashion advice on the DL!  Any time you're thinking you need some true blue honesty, but you don't want everyone to hear about your fashion faux pas... just ask your BFF to send some text advice.  To be honest, one of the most important jobs of being a great friend is to make sure your BFF's don't wear too-short skirts, don't pile on too much makeup, and to strongly suggest they ditch the go-go boots and the floral moo moo's because they've gone out of style.  

I'm definitely going to make fashion advice by text my new SOP, but next time I go on TV, I'm going to need to get me some tips on how NOT to look larger than life!  It's true - the camera adds 10 pounds right to your bottom line, and I have the picture to prove it!  

Monday, April 5, 2010

Reminders By Text Rock

As I was rushing out the door this morning so I could get to my meeting by eight (my teens were still sound asleep), I thought to myself that I should take a moment to write a list of chores that my little sleepy-heads needed to accomplish.

After all, it's Spring Break, and I can't have them doing absolutely NOTHING, can I?

But then I thought to myself "Why don't I just text them their chores"?  I needed to get to work, and didn't have an extra five minutes to write down two lists of "To-Do's".  So, that's what I did.  I sent a group text to both of them with what I wanted them to do.

Nicole, my 17-year old responded back in seconds saying she'll take care of them, and my 15-year old son responded two hours later asking if he could first go to the movies then do his chores right when he got home.  Have I mentioned boys are a little slower at responding to texts than girls?

Once again, sending a text saved me time and I knew my messages would be delivered instantly.  A little bonus was that they each would need to respond to my requests, which is what I love about sending a text vs. just leaving a note that might get conveniently ignored.

Have you ever used texting to send reminders?  If so, what type of reminders have you sent, and did you have positive results?