Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Diary of RBTL's iPhone Application How Much?

I've asked several iPhone users the following question: "How much should the RBTL Text Lingo Dictionary cost?" The answers are split between .99 and 1.99.

Here's what the App will include:
  1. Over 1500 Text Lingo Abbreviations and definitions
  2. Ability to look-up an abbreviation
  3. Ability to search the dictionary
  4. Ability to select the term you want to use, which you can then pop it into your text

If my goal is to get as many users as possible to download the application, how much do you think it should cost?

  • .99
  • 1.99
In case you were wondering, Apple retains 30% of retail.

Thanks for your input - I really need it!!

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