Tuesday, November 3, 2009

RBTL Has Arrived!

Today is a very big day, because Read Between the Lines arrived in the warehouse which is where the distribution process originates for all orders across the entire county.

This is exciting, because now any pending orders that have been on hold, waiting for the books to arrive, can now be filled.

It's also exciting because my publisher warned me of all the dangers that could happen during the delivery process, making the actual delivery questionable and definitely impossible to guarantee. Apparently, there have been "delivery obstacles" that have actually occurred in the past, that required complete disclosure.

There was the possibility of the delivery truck being stolen, a fire burning all the books, the truck over-turning, and even the possibility of a strike occurring somewhere during the delivery process.

Needless to say, I've been on pins and needles ever since the books left the plant, bound for the warehouse in that delivery truck that I had too many concerns about.

Lucky me, because none of these things happened, and Read Between the Lines is safe and sound tucked away in nice cardboard boxes waiting for their new homes.

Today is definitely a WOO HOO day for me, especially since I know that tomorrow I'm going to get a small delivery of books. Tomorrow will also be the first time that I get to lay eyes on my actual book. I've seen a draft of the Read Between the Lines, (referred to as a Galley in the book business), but I've never seen the actual hardcover book with the dust jacket that I spent so long making sure was perfect.

Tomorrow, one of the first things I'll do is Fed Ex a few copies down to my mom. She's been helping me with every single little detail of RBTL, every single step of the way. I'm positive she can't wait to see the real deal either!

It's been a long, curvy road with lots of ups and downs from when I first committed to writing RBTL! Some people might say "Wow, you've accomplished your dream of writing a book" but I have to disagree. I know that my goal won't be accomplished until I hear that Read Between The Lines has made a difference in peoples lives by helping them communicate in a new way, or taught them something useful and new that they weren't already aware of.

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