Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Read Between the Lines - Comments From Book Buyers

This week, I've made several deliveries of Read Between the Lines for corporate orders that were placed over the last few months. I've also dropped off books to the wonderful women in my life who have helped me through the process of getting RBTL published. TY 2 my BFF's!

Also this week, Read Between the Lines made it's first appearance to complete strangers, which means people I've never met had a chance to look at the book, pick it up, flip through the pages and comment how they really felt about it.

Kind of scary - yet exciting all at the same time!

The amazing news is I had nothing but VERY positive feedback, lots of purchases, and several large quantity orders.

Here are the two negatives I heard:

An elderly lady said she couldn't text because she had arthritis in her thumbs. Unfortunately, that was a challenge I was unable to overcome. I also I had a 17-year old and her mom stop by to take a look (the teen had already previewed the book for about 3 minutes before her mom). The teenager definitely didn't want her mom to have all the info that RBTL had to offer, but after her mom had a chance to thumb through, making squeals, giggles and comments about the content, the "too cool" teen finally gave her mom the green light to buy the book.

Here's what I've noticed so far:

The reason why people are first attracted to RBTL is the cover, the amazing illustrations, the color pallet and the polka dot theme that's continued throughout the book. They also love the idea that there's a fun book about texting that includes a text lingo dictionary that they can use to trick their kids. I also noticed that all of my book buyers knew how to text or were just learning, but still want the book because of the variety of RBTL's content.

I have to thank my lucky stars that my publisher was able to secure Margarete Gockel to illustrate my cover, as well as the 11 additional illustrations throughout Read Between the Lines.

For those of you who don't recognize Margarete's name, in the United States she's best known for her illustrations that are on the covers of the "Skinny Bitch" book series.

Margarete had the incredible ability to draw exactly what I had in mind for each illustration. She nailed the cover on her first attempt, she knew what I wanted, and was easily able to capture all the little details I asked her for. I know women (and men) easily identify with her fun and entertaining illustrations, and men just love every single detail about her work.

My thanks for helping me make my dream become a reality goes out to Margarete Gockel.

One women I met tonight said "Don't you just want to jump a plane to Germany to give her a big hug and thank her personally?" The thought had never crossed my mind until tonight...watch out Margarete! JK

1 comment:

  1. How exciting to have received such glowing comments from complete strangers! They are SO right about the illustrations and the polkadots. It's a great presentation. Good job!!


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