Sunday, December 13, 2009

Confessions of an Unknown Author

There's a lot of things I don't know about being an author. In fact, I know next to nothing except being an "unknown" is EXTRA hard.

What I do know is how thankful I am to all of you who have supported me along my "Read Between the Lines" journey.

Everyone from my BFF to my fellow TVIP babes who've all ventured out in the pouring rain (and usually drag their family along) to support me at my signings. To my amazing friends, co-workers and clients who just continue to surprise me because they truly believe.

It seems everyone from my oldest friends to the new people I meet every day along my "unknown author" journey... are all going the extra mile to help get RBTL into the hands of their friends, family and clients.

Even my family still comes to every single signing... just to see how it's going and if I'm making any headway. I must confess that after every event I have, my family takes bets on how many books I signed, or how many bookmarks I passed out. Nothing like a little pressure!

Take Renee Lovely who owns Avalon Spa and Salon who I only met AFTER she offered to host a book signing event at her salon - just because she loves to help others! Renee got all of her family and friends on board to partake in Saturday's amazing event.

How about Michael, the store manager of Barnes and Noble in Dublin, California? When I walked into his store today for my book signing, he had arranged for a beautiful arrangement of flowers to be displayed on my event table. Justin at Borders Rancho Mirage is one of my bookstore heroes for all of his words of wisdom and extra help he gave me for my very first event! How amazing is that for an unknown author like myself to get such fabulous treatment?

Just a few weeks ago, my mom and step father drove 7 hours to surprise me at my first signing event, only to have to turn around the next day and drive home another 7 hours. 14 hours of drive time for a two hour signing.

One things for sure, I couldn't have dreamed for anything more from anyone.

From what I know now, I must confess that I never realized that writing Read Between the Lines was just 10% of the work until yesterday. The other 90% comes after the book leaves the presses - especially for an "unknown" like myself. Too bad I haven't recently run for Vice President, successfully landed my plane on the Hudson, or found the EASY button for a successful book! :)

Every day I learn a tiny bit more about being an unknown author, but the one thing I know for sure is I couldn't do any of this without without all of you!


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