According to a recent study conducted by Synovate, close to half of Americans sleep with their cell phones.
Can this really be true? It sounds so crazy!
That's a lot of us who sleep next to there phone. Is your sleeping companion also small, cold and made of metal?
After I read this study, I had to ask myself, "Do I really sleep with my phone?" Does my husband, and do my teens sleep with their beloved iPhones and BlackBerrys?
The answer was almost 88% "yes" for my family. The Edgington family is guilty as charged!
For me, I sometimes leave my phone in my car overnight, or out in the family room, depending on what time my head finally hits the pillow, and whether or not my kids are out or at home. Bottom line, about half the time I have my phone on my night stand... just in case.
For my husband, he sleeps by his phone every night. I'm pretty positive he's waiting for that emergency call that could come in during the middle of the night.
As for Nicole who's 17, she sleeps with her phone IN her bed every night - without fail. This is so she doesn't miss a single text that "could" come in. Thankfully, once she's asleep she usually doesn't get woken by her TM's because her phone's always on vibrate. I'm also pretty sure that her and her friends send out some sort of "I'm going to bed, good night" text notification, which immediately limits the amount of inbound messages.
Derek, who's 15 and doesn't live and die by his cell phone (yet) charges his phone every night, which happens to be on his night stand, inches away from his pillow. Derek also depends on his iPhone alarm to wake him up every morning, which is a ligit reason for keeping it close by.
It's my guess that for those of us who choose to sleep with or by our phones do so for a variety of reasons, just like my family does.
For those of you who don't - WOO HOO to you!
The Dolan family does NOT sleep with their phone's! However, the cat rules the bed and our new Golden Retriever (Finnegan) is learning that the floor is where he's to stay - NOT the bed. I get enough phone time during the day.....